Školení, kurzy, semináře # aws business essentials

KURZ: AWS Business Essentials

AWS Business Essentials helps IT business leaders and professionals understand the benefits of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help you meet your business objectives. In this course we discuss the advantages of cloud computing for your business and the fundamentals of AWS, including financial benefits. This course also introduces you to successful cloud adoption frameworks so to help you consider the AWS platform within your cloud computing strategy. Audience This course is

Program kurzu

Goals This course is designed to teach you how to:
* This course is designed to teach you how to: Outline Note: course outline may vary slightly based on the regional location and/or language in which the class is delivered. This course will cover the following concepts: Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:  
Study materials Amazon Web Services authorized e-book included.

Cíl školení - poznámka ke kurzu     Goals This course is designed to teach you how to: Identify the value and benefits of the AWS cloud Recognize the valuable ways that the AWS platform can be used Understand the robust security capabilities, controls, and assurances in place to maintain security and data protection Articulate the financial impact the AWS cloud can have on an organizations procurement cycle, cost management, and contracts, while minimizing risks associated with consumption-based pricing models

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Počet kurzů: 120819
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