Školení, kurzy, semináře # effective remote team leadership - remote tea m leadership and management master class

KURZ: Effective remote team leadership - Remote Team Leadership and Management Master Class

Now is the perfect time to enhance your skills in remote team management. We will focus on key aspects of effective leadership in an online environment. We will unlock the mental framework within remote team leadership, focusing on conflict prevention and building natural motivation, crucial for individual and collective self-regulation. Additional

Program kurzu

Now is the perfect time to enhance your skills in remote team management. We will focus on key aspects of effective leadership in an online environment. We will unlock the mental framework within remote team leadership, focusing on conflict prevention and building natural motivation, crucial for individual and collective self-regulation. Additionally, we will explore the specifics of leading online teams, including maintaining close contact and organizing work. Collaboration and effective communication are also key topics we will address. Join us and gain practical tools and knowledge for successfully leading your remote team.
Kurz je určen:
Leaders and managers of remote teams.
People who want to improve their skills in leading and motivating online teams.
Professionals seeking practical tools for effective communication and management in an online environment.
Přidaná hodnota tohoto kurzu pro Vás:

Obsah kurzu - školení     Now is the perfect time to enhance your skills in remote team management. We will focus on key aspects of effective leadership in an online environment. We will unlock the mental framework within remote team leadership, focusing on conflict prevention and building natural motivation, crucial for individual and collective self-regulation. Additionally, we will explore the specifics of leading online teams, including maintaining close contact and organizing work. Collaboration and effective communication are also key topics we will address. Join us and gain practical tools and knowledge for successfully leading your remote team.Kurz je určen:Leaders and managers of remote teams.People who want to improve their skills in leading and motivating online teams.Professionals seeking practical tools for effective communication and management in an online environment.The expected language level of participants is B2 or higher.Přidaná hodnota tohoto kurzu pro Vás:Tools to build a strong leadership position even with very low meeting frequency (typical for remote teams).Practically tested mind-set for of a team leader of remote teams.Conflict prevention skills and the ability to lead by example.Managing motivation in an online environment – the foundation for individual team members independent work.Acquiring skills to maintain close contact with the team and organize work in an online environment.Developing communication and diplomatic negotiation skills in an online environment.

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Přihláška na kurz

Effective remote team leadership - Remote Team Leadership and Management Master Class

Přihláška na kurz: 8.4.2025 Online
# Změna ceny kurzu: 6.990,00 CZK /Kurz
* (Cena včetně DPH: 8.457,90 CZK /Kurz
08.04.2025 - 08.04.2025; v čase 09:00-16:30
Počet dní: 1
Počet dní: platforma MS Teams Online - - - - - 6990 Kč bez DPH

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