Školení, kurzy, semináře # profesionalni firemni komunikace v anglictine - professional corporate communication

KURZ: Profesionální firemní komunikace v angličtině - Professional corporate communication

How do you professionally say you need something? Are you aware that different phrases have distinct meanings in the context of culture and native language? Step into the world of professional corporate communication, where mastering the right language and tone plays a crucial role in your success. Our course will help you develop the skills needed

Program kurzu

How do you professionally say you need something? Are you aware that different phrases have distinct meanings in the context of culture and native language? Step into the world of professional corporate communication, where mastering the right language and tone plays a crucial role in your success. Our course will help you develop the skills needed for effective and confident communication in an international environment. Join us and gain confidence in business English and the ability to communicate successfully in managerial situations
Kurz je určen:
This course is designed for managers aiming to enhance their English proficiency and communicate effectively in an international work environment. Through practical exercises and simulations, participants will acquire the skills necessary for successful and confident communication in managerial scenarios. The expected language level of participants is B2 or higher.
Přidaná hodnota tohoto kurzu pro Vás:
Enhanced communication skills
Gain confidence in navigating various communication channels, including phone calls, emails, and face-to-face interactions.
Improved language proficiency
Enhance your English language proficiency, particularly in a business context, enabling you to communicate more effectively with international counterparts.
Confidence in managerial communication
Develop the confidence to engage in professional communication exchanges, whether it's leading team meetings, negotiating with stakeholders, or addressing challenging situations with tact and diplomacy.

Obsah kurzu - školení     How do you professionally say you need something? Are you aware that different phrases have distinct meanings in the context of culture and native language? Step into the world of professional corporate communication, where mastering the right language and tone plays a crucial role in your success. Our course will help you develop the skills needed for effective and confident communication in an international environment. Join us and gain confidence in business English and the ability to communicate successfully in managerial situationsKurz je určen:This course is designed for managers aiming to enhance their English proficiency and communicate effectively in an international work environment. Through practical exercises and simulations, participants will acquire the skills necessary for successful and confident communication in managerial scenarios. The expected language level of participants is B2 or higher.Přidaná hodnota tohoto kurzu pro Vás:Enhanced communication skillsGain confidence in navigating various communication channels, including phone calls, emails, and face-to-face interactions.Improved language proficiencyEnhance your English language proficiency, particularly in a business context, enabling you to communicate more effectively with international counterparts.Confidence in managerial communicationDevelop the confidence to engage in professional communication exchanges, whether its leading team meetings, negotiating with stakeholders, or addressing challenging situations with tact and diplomacy.

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Počet kurzů: 143360
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