Školení, kurzy, semináře # management and leadership for newly and recen tly appointed managers

KURZ: Management and leadership for newly and recently appointed managers

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer, author and speaker This seminar is designed for all managers and project leaders who have recently taken on a leadership role, want to quickly get oriented, and avoid unnecessary mistakes. It is especially aimed at individuals without prior knowledge

Program kurzu

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
This seminar is designed for all managers and project leaders who have recently taken on a leadership role, want to quickly get oriented, and avoid unnecessary mistakes. It is especially aimed at individuals without prior knowledge in people management, particularly technical and engineering professionals.
Participants will fully understand their managerial role within the company, quickly get oriented, and clarify their responsibilities and priorities. They will also expand their knowledge and skills to immediately improve communication with their surroundings, solve managerial tasks more quickly and effectively, and deliver quality results on time. This time-tested seminar significantly contributes to the efficiency and positive atmosphere in teams and companies, aiding the successful development of businesses in the Czech Republic.

Obsah kurzu - školení     “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”Wayne Dyer, author and speakerThis seminar is designed for all managers and project leaders who have recently taken on a leadership role, want to quickly get oriented, and avoid unnecessary mistakes. It is especially aimed at individuals without prior knowledge in people management, particularly technical and engineering professionals.Participants will fully understand their managerial role within the company, quickly get oriented, and clarify their responsibilities and priorities. They will also expand their knowledge and skills to immediately improve communication with their surroundings, solve managerial tasks more quickly and effectively, and deliver quality results on time. This time-tested seminar significantly contributes to the efficiency and positive atmosphere in teams and companies, aiding the successful development of businesses in the Czech Republic.

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Přihláška na kurz

Management and leadership for newly and recently appointed managers

Přihláška na kurz: 13.8.2025 Praha 2

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