Školení, kurzy, semináře # fraud detection in accounting procurement t reasury and hr

KURZ: Fraud detection in accounting, procurement, treasury and HR

Program kurzu

The Fraud Detection in Accounting, Procurement, Treasury and HR course offers a deep dive into identifying and mitigating fraud risks within these critical business functions. Participants will explore common fraud schemes such as financial statement manipulation, procurement fraud, payroll fraud, and expense reimbursement schemes. The course focuses on red flags, internal controls, and investigative techniques to detect suspicious activity early and prevent financial losses. Through real-world case studies and practical tools, attendees will gain the skills necessary to strengthen their organization s defenses against fraud in accounting, procurement, and human resources.

Obsah kurzu - školení     The Fraud Detection in Accounting, Procurement, Treasury and HR course offers a deep dive into identifying and mitigating fraud risks within these critical business functions. Participants will explore common fraud schemes such as financial statement manipulation, procurement fraud, payroll fraud, and expense reimbursement schemes. The course focuses on red flags, internal controls, and investigative techniques to detect suspicious activity early and prevent financial losses. Through real-world case studies and practical tools, attendees will gain the skills necessary to strengthen their organization s defenses against fraud in accounting, procurement, and human resources.

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Přihláška na kurz

Fraud detection in accounting, procurement, treasury and HR

Přihláška na kurz: 2.4.2025 Praha 2

Webinář v anglickém jazyce! 2.4.2025
Karlovo náměstí 3, 120 00 Praha 2

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Počet kurzů: 145131
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