Školení, kurzy, semináře # fraud detection in accounting procurement t reasury and hr
KURZ: Fraud detection in accounting, procurement, treasury and HR
Program kurzu
The Fraud Detection in Accounting, Procurement, Treasury and HR course offers a deep dive into identifying and mitigating fraud risks within these critical business functions. Participants will explore common fraud schemes such as financial statement manipulation, procurement fraud, payroll fraud, and expense reimbursement schemes. The course focuses on red flags, internal controls, and investigative techniques to detect suspicious activity early and prevent financial losses. Through real-world case studies and practical tools, attendees will gain the skills necessary to strengthen their organization s defenses against fraud in accounting, procurement, and human resources.
Obsah kurzu - školení The Fraud Detection in Accounting, Procurement, Treasury and HR course offers a deep dive into identifying and mitigating fraud risks within these critical business functions. Participants will explore common fraud schemes such as financial statement manipulation, procurement fraud, payroll fraud, and expense reimbursement schemes. The course focuses on red flags, internal controls, and investigative techniques to detect suspicious activity early and prevent financial losses. Through real-world case studies and practical tools, attendees will gain the skills necessary to strengthen their organization s defenses against fraud in accounting, procurement, and human resources.
Podrobnosti o kurzu
Isabella Arndorfer Isabella Arndorfer Isabella Arndorfer is a seasoned Internal Audit and Governance expert with over 20 years of experience in the financial sector. She has held senior roles, including Internal Audit Manager at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), where she conducted and led audits across various departments, specializing in internal controls and corporate governance. Her expertise spans financial regulation, risk management, and corporate governance, making her a key figure in ensuring compliance and operational efficiency within financial institutions. In addition to her auditing career, Isabella has been an influential lecturer on internal audit and governance, contributing to central bank seminars in Asia, Europe, and at the University of St Gallen. She is also lecturer at the IIA Slovenia and ISACA Oman. She has played a key role in governance improvement initiatives for the Middle East and North African regions as a member of the MENA OECD Competitive Initiative. Her publications, including works on risk management, governance, and audit practices, highlight her deep knowledge and contributions to the field of internal audit and governance. In 2023, she founded the training platform and has been providing freelance consultancy services in audit, risk management, compliance, and governance through her company, Isabella holds a Masters degree in International Management from ESADE, a degree in Business Administration from the University of Economics in Vienna, and several prestigious certifications, including Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA), and Certified Control Self-Assessment (CCSA). She is fluent in multiple languages, including German, English, and Spanish, with working knowledge of French and Russian, and is also a trained mediator for conflict resolution. For further details please refer to this site: https: - - - cv -
Český institut interních auditorů, z.s.
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