Školení, kurzy, semináře # the basics of effective marketing - a course for beginners

KURZ: The Basics of Effective Marketing - a course for beginners

Marketing is a comprehensive topic that, with the development of digital marketing, has created an environment in which it is difficult to navigate. For many, marketing is just advertising and a way to entice a customer, but marketing is more than that. At our course, we will show you how to grasp marketing and what vast possibilities it offers. At the same time we will create together a basic marketing analysis, which you can use as a basis for your marketing activities. The course is for all those who want to work in marketing and have minimal marketing knowledge or they feel the could improve what they have already picked up themselves * Company strategy   Marketing personas   Market analysis   Online vs. offline   Conclusion, summary, discussion  

Program kurzu

Obsah kurzu - školení     Company strategyMarketing personasMarket analysisOnline vs. offlineConclusion, summary, discussion

Cíl školení - poznámka ke kurzu     Marketing is a comprehensive topic that, with the development of digital marketing, has created an environment in which it is difficult to navigate. For many, marketing is just advertising and a way to entice a customer, but marketing is more than that. At our course, we will show you how to grasp marketing and what vast possibilities it offers. At the same time we will create together a basic marketing analysis, which you can use as a basis for your marketing activities. The course is for all those who want to work in marketing and have minimal marketing knowledge or they feel the could improve what they have already picked up themselves

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