Školení, kurzy, semináře # marketing analysis

KURZ: Marketing analysis

There are so many marketing tools and strategies, it may be difficult for companies to understand which activities are delivering and which are unnecessary. To set up an effective marketing, you need to know the initial state and the goal you want to achieve. Through marketing analysis, you will find out exactly which activities you should support and implement and which to abandon. It also helps you to identify which activities to address internally and which to delegate to external agencies. The course is intended for all company owners, entrepreneurs, marketers and marketing directors who are not satisfied with marketing in their company and need real data and background for its improvement. * Marketing   Marketing personas   Market analysis   Marketing practices already in place   Custom Team vs. Outsourcing   Outsourcing   Setting up of the appropriate marketing activities   Marketing as a constant process of change   Conclusion, summary, discussion  

Program kurzu

Obsah kurzu - školení     MarketingMarketing personasMarket analysisMarketing practices already in placeCustom Team vs. OutsourcingOutsourcingSetting up of the appropriate marketing activitiesMarketing as a constant process of changeConclusion, summary, discussion

Cíl školení - poznámka ke kurzu     There are so many marketing tools and strategies, it may be difficult for companies to understand which activities are delivering and which are unnecessary. To set up an effective marketing, you need to know the initial state and the goal you want to achieve. Through marketing analysis, you will find out exactly which activities you should support and implement and which to abandon. It also helps you to identify which activities to address internally and which to delegate to external agencies. The course is intended for all company owners, entrepreneurs, marketers and marketing directors who are not satisfied with marketing in their company and need real data and background for its improvement.

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