Školení, kurzy, semináře # leadership i leadership i

KURZ: Leadership I.Leadership I.

At this course, we will teach you how to use individual leadership styles in practice. You will learn how to increase self-confidence in the position of a leader, review current procedures and inefficient work routines. The course includes practical exercises of different ways of leadership. The course is intended for future team leaders or existing managers who would like to improve this skill. Course graduates are able to systematically improve the business environment in their company, motiva

Program kurzu

At this course, we will teach you how to use individual leadership styles in practice. You will learn how to increase self-confidence in the position of a leader, review current procedures and inefficient work routines. The course includes practical exercises of different ways of leadership. The course is intended for future team leaders or existing managers who would like to improve this skill. Course graduates are able to systematically improve the business environment in their company, motivate their colleagues, maximize their strengths, prepare them for dealing with stress situations and be a natural authority, a person of trust, influence and responsibility.

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Počet kurzů: 120806
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