Školení, kurzy, semináře # leadership in a nutshell leadership in a nuts hell

KURZ: Leadership in a nutshell Leadership in a nutshell

At this course we will introduce you to the techniques of your own development of leadership skills. You will acquire the methods of identifying your own limits and working with them, techniques of professional communication, including solving conflicts with individuals and the team, as well as managing disagreements within the team. You will learn how to run meetings more effectively and work better with employee competencies. Course graduates are able to develop more efficiently not only thems

Program kurzu

At this course we will introduce you to the techniques of your own development of leadership skills. You will acquire the methods of identifying your own limits and working with them, techniques of professional communication, including solving conflicts with individuals and the team, as well as managing disagreements within the team. You will learn how to run meetings more effectively and work better with employee competencies. Course graduates are able to develop more efficiently not only themselves but also the members of their teams. The course is intended for future team leaders as well as existing leaders who want to improve in a discipline called leadership.

Podrobnosti o kurzu

Dotazy a komentáře ke kurzu

Přihláška na kurz

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Počet kurzů: 120744
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