Školení, kurzy, semináře # managing an international team – achieving joint goals in separate locations managing an international team – achieving joint goals in separate locati

KURZ: Managing an International Team – Achieving Joint goals in separate locations Managing an International Team – Achieving Joint goals in separate locations

This course is aimed at professionals leading or working in a geographically dispersed multicultural team and utilizing the cultural niches of the various nationalities (e.g. Hofstede). The course will cover topics such as managing the team, making the team work well, choosing the team and working within, communication tools, mixed team culture and key communication strategies to get the joint work done.

Program kurzu

This course is aimed at professionals leading or working in a geographically dispersed multicultural team and utilizing the cultural niches of the various nationalities (e.g. Hofstede). The course will cover topics such as managing the team, making the team work well, choosing the team and working within, communication tools, mixed team culture and key communication strategies to get the joint work done.

Podrobnosti o kurzu

Dotazy a komentáře ke kurzu

Přihláška na kurz

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URL >>–-achieving-joint-goals-in-separate-locations-managing-an-international-team-–-achieving-joint-goals-in-separate-locati.html


Počet kurzů: 120806
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